Working with the SDGs

After returning to Australia, I am fortunate to once again connect with the United Nations mission of progressing the SDGs in local schools. Currently associated with United Nations Association of Australia, NSW as their Director of Education we piloted our UN Day School Program in 2021. Schools in Australia just like in other parts of the world have been struggling with the challenges of Covid, floods and rains.

The UNAA (NSW) School Program – ‘United Nations Day – Peace People Planet’  is a lead up to the UN Day celebrations on Monday 24th October, 2022. 

Our 2022 program offers opportunities for NSW schools to get involved with some wonderful local organizations supporting the SDGs  like Love Food Hate Waste, Take 3 for the Sea and our amazing Education partners, Edu-fy,,  Banksia Foundation and many more! The aim is to work together to make the world a better place #SDG17 #SDG4

Benefits for schools:
✓ Support from UNAA (NSW) on organising the day with exclusive FREE Teacher resources.

✓ One year free organisational membership to UNAA (NSW)
√ 1:1 support from our partners in implementing their programs
√ The chance to be showcased on the UNAA (NSW) website, social media channels, our Annual Report; and more.
√ Participating schools can nominate a staff member for the coveted UN Diploma Scholarship.

Register  here for joining the UN Day school program ( only NSW schools are eligible) to receive  your FREE SDG resources, invitations to innovative partner programs, events and a chance to nominate for the NSW Minister’s Young Champion Award!!!

The Minister’s Young Climate Champion as part of the 2022 NSW Sustainability Awards is your chance to showcase the innovative projects. This award recognises young climate innovators with bold ideas for a safe and thriving future that aligns with one or more of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

You can choose ideas from the resource kits provided by the UNAA NSW or adapt, plan creative and sustainable actions/ campaigns as a Young Climate Champion. This can be an individual, group or whole school initiative. Download the Entry Kit from the Banksia website. 

Contact: for any queries 

However, Eduserve supports teachers all around the world. If you are interested in working on the SDGs and need support in doing that, please contact for a free consultation.

We are stronger together!!  #sdg4 #sdg17

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Planning ahead or stressing too much?

I am a planner, I love to envision my outcome and slowly work towards it. However one important lesson that life has taught me is ‘not to be controlling’ . We try our best to control events, people and our future but does it work? No !! It only makes us frustrated as our eyes are on a certain prize and when we don’t see things happening as we wish to it upsets the whole equation. So my motto is .

Plan, be prepared but also be flexible.

I can’t understand when some people overdo the planning bit and as soon as a situation comes up they think of the worst possible outcome and keep stressing . I feel this just means putting yourself in agony. Also I am a die-hard positive thinker. It’s infact my survival tool.

I recently came upon an interesting post on linked in, sharing here for reference and credit for this thought-provoking concept that if dealt in the right way can make lives much easier and more pleasant not such for the worrier but people around them. Here it is :

What are your thoughts? Are you a planner or a stressor or simply go with the flow?

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5 Things that stop you from being successful

Do you know what is your barrier to success? Are you a victim of limiting beliefs about yourself or too chained by societal pressures?  See the video below to find out what are the 5 things you need to avoid to become succesful.

Coaching can help you overcome the barriers that are limiting your success. For details contact me or book a complementary Discovery Call on our Facebook page @thesparklingnewyou.

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Gift giving traditions around the world

What is a favourite item you love to receive as a gift? Is there anything that is a big no no your culture?

Did you know in Egypt, giving flowers is reserved for weddings or if someone is sick. It is also traditional for gifts to be wrapped twice with two different colors.!!


christmas gifts and ornaments Photo by Jill Wellington on

Gifts are an important part of building relationships but did you know you could actually offend someone if you did not present the gift in a certain way. It is a good idea to do some research when giving gifts to people of other cultures.
Below is a compilation of some useful advice I gathered from the internet. Please do add to the list any particular traditions you may have come across. After all the intention is to spread love through gifts not cause offence. Right?
Experts say that “giving gifts is a surprisingly complex and important part of human interaction, helping to define relationships and strengthen bonds with family and friends.” It’s an evolutionary trait that even the earliest humans participated in. While the tradition of gift giving is universal, there are some specific cultural rituals. Here are some international, gift giving traditions…

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Be thankful for your ‘pain’, it is what makes you grow!!

We often come across wonderful inspirational quotes, the positive language makes one feel good. However I don’t know about you, but I am the kind of person who can often become complacent and what drives me to move ahead is often a challenging situation.  Pain is the driver that makes us think out of the box and be creative and innovative.

Positivity is great but true transformations are a result of pain!! What do you think?Screen Shot 2019-06-22 at 1.35.25 pm.png

“A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Colin Powell

“No matter how slow your progress, and how many mistakes you made, you are far ahead of anyone who stopped trying.” Tony Robbins

“If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl – but by all means keep moving.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Never stop dreaming, and never stop working hard for your dreams. You never know what you can become. Life is unpredictable. You will never know as to which road can leads you to which destination.” – Unknown

What do your words say even when you are away?

We say so much and forget about it. Encouraging happy words can lift soneone’s spirits and propel them to happiness and success. However harsh words can inflict the deepest wounds, they leave scars that are a reminder of that horrible event/ emotion felt at a time that you wish never happened. We are often told to think before we speak and when our thinking is distorted then perhaps the best way to communicate is to be ‘silent’.. no point in doing more harm than that is already done.

Our words can sometimes leave lasting echoes in people’s minds. What will your words say even when you are away?

5 Things that help you become stronger

There are times in our lives when we feel down, aches and pains seem to envelop us. There is no energy or will to move on. However, life has to go on and only we can actually get ourselves out of this dismal state. The top 5 things that helped me to move on in dark times are ….

1. Forgive those who have hurt you

Definitely not easy, it takes a lot of strength to actually overcome that negativity and trauma. However, it has become my no.1 survival technique. I forgive not because I am selfless and have a big heart but because I cannot carry that heavy baggage around. Unless I put aside that baggage, I am unable to see the road ahead. Makes sense? .. Try it you will definitely feel much lighter and stronger.

2.  Stop living in the past

How can we ever see a new future when we constantly think, complain about or dwell in the past. What happened earlier, happened for a reason. Learn from the challenges and mistakes and start a new chapter in your life. Your life is what you make of it. Follow your dreams, life is too short to be wasted in self-pity and anger.

3.  Look after your well-being

Eat well, sleep well, exercise daily. A healthy body develops a healthy mind, it keeps you energised and charged to take on whatever life throws at you. Meditate, pray, practice mindfulness .. spend sometime on emotional and spiritual well-being.

4. Stay away from negative people

We absorb the energy of the people around us. Surround yourself with people who make you feel confident and happy and stay away from those who only put you down. Learn to differentiate between sincere advice and criticism from  a good friend and judgmental callous remarks from others.

5. Practice Gratitude

Every single day, every moment of our lives we have so much to be thankful for. Develop an attitude of gratitude by focussing on what you have not what you don’t have. See the shift in your mood when instead of complaining for the electricity or gas bills of your home you feel grateful that you have a home to go to, unlike countless people who are homeless. Every breath you take naturally, every step you walk on your own is a reason to be grateful for your health. Try thinking of at least three things to be grateful for each night you go to bed and you will surely be blessed with good sleep and a fresh start in the morning.

What strategies helped you survive the dark times? Is there anything you wish to add to this list?

Coaching can help you overcome the barriers that are weighing you down. A coach can be your mentor and confidante who keeps you focussed and helps you achieve your dreams.  For details contact me or book a complementary Discovery Call on our Facebook page @thesparklingnewyou.


 ” My mission is to help people lead a stress-free and successful life of their dreams“~Shaista 

Can you help me to come closer to my life’s mission for my birthday?

Special Birthday Offer for YOU

To celebrate my birthday this year I am offering a special 25% discount on life changing one-to-one personal coaching packages. These can be booked by clicking here.Don’t forget to use voucher code ‘WelcomeAugust’ to avail your discount. I can think of no better way to celebrate my birthday than be part of your journey of success.

For a FREE Discovery Call write to me at or book time here.


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